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Chargé de Recherche CNRS, HDR


Université Paris-Sud, France



Thématiques de recherche

  • Le volcanisme comme marqueur de la géodynamique du globe
  • Aléas naturels en domaine volcanique : phénomènes éruptifs et phases d’instabilités gravitaires (effondrements de flancs, avalanches de débris et tsunamis, caldeiras et éruptions pyroclastiques, glissements, éboulements, lahars, écoulements concentrés...)
  • Hydrologie des systèmes volcaniques : traçage des processus d’infiltration et des circulations d’eau le long des discontinuités géologiques majeures

Outils - Approches

  • Cartographie géologique des complexes volcaniques
  • Géochronologie K/Ar et Ar/Ar sur phases séparées
  • Géochimie des magmas (éléments majeurs, traces, isotopes du Sr, Nd, Pb et Hf)
  • Analyse morpho-structurale des édifices volcaniques, des systèmes d’alimentation, des structures de déstabilisation et des dépôts associés
  • Quantification des volumes émis et des volumes détruits par les processus gravitaires sur différentes échelles de temps
  • Géochimie des eaux naturelles (cations et anions majeurs, d18O, d2H, d13C, 14C): effets du climat et de la géologie sur l’infiltration des pluies, les circulations profondes, le riuissellement, l’alteration et l’érosion en domaine volcanique

Chantiers principaux

Iles et monts sous-marins de Polynésie française (Société, Australes), les Canaries (La Palma, Ténérife), Açores (Terceira, Faial, Sao Jorge, Pico, Sao Miguel), volcanisme intra-plaque du Maroc Central et du Massif Central français, volcanisme d’Indonésie (Bromo-Tengger).


[40] Cattani, F., Gillot, P.-Y., Quidelleur, X., Hildenbrand, A., Lefevre, J.C., Boukari, C., Courtade, F., 2019. In-situ K/Ar dating on Mars based on UV-laser ablation coupled with a LIBS-QMS system: Development, calibration and application of the KArMars instrument. Chemical Geology, 506, 1-16.

[39] Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Catalao, J., 2018. Large-scale mass wasting on small volcanic islands revealed by the study of Flores Island (Azores). Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 13898.

[38] Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Hübscher, C., 2018. Evolution of a volcanic island on the shoulder of an oceanic rift and geodynamic implications: S. Jorge Island on the Terceira Rift. Tectonophysics, 738, 41-50.

[37] Silva, P.F., Henry, B., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Lopes, A., Madureira, P., 2018. Volcano-tectonic evolution of a linear volcanic ridge (Pico-Faial Ridge, Azores Triple Junction) assessed by paleomagnetic studies. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 352, 78-91.

[36] Ribeiro, L.P., Martins, S., Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., Mata, J., 2017. The genetic link between the Azores Archipelago and the Southern Azores Seamount Chain (SASC): The elemental, isotopic and chronological evidences, Lithos, 294, 133-146.

[35] Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Zanon, V. and Boulesteix, T., 2016. Comment on “The insular shelves of the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores archipelago): A morphological record of its evolution” by Quartau et al. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1002/2015GC006052.

[34] Mourgues, R., Costa, A.C.G., Marques, F.O., Lacoste, A., and Hildenbrand, A., 2016. Structural consequences of cohesion in gravitational instabilities triggered by fluid overpressure: Analytical derivation and experimental testing. J. Structural Geology, 87, 134-143.

[33] Sibrant, A. L. R., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Boulesteix, T., Costa, A.C.G. and Catalão, J., 2016. Deformation in a hyper-slow oceanic rift: insights from the tectonics of the S. Miguel Island (Terceira Rift, Azores). Tectonics, 34, doi: 10.1002/2015TC003886.

[32] Sibrant, A., Marques, FO., Hildenbrand, A., 2015. Reply to the comment by Quartau et al. on “Construction and destruction of a volcanic island developed inside an oceanic rift: Graciosa Island, Terceira Rift, Azores”, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 284, 32–45, by Sibrant et al.(2014). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 303, 193-198.

[31] Costa, A.C.G., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Sibrant, A.L.R., Santos de Campos, A., 2015. Catastrophic flank collapses and slumping in Pico Island during the last 130 kyr (Pico-Faial ridge, Azores Triple Junction). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 302, 33-46.

[30] Sibrant, A.L.R., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, FO., Weiss, B., Boulesteix, T., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., Costa, A.C.G., Catalão, J.C., 2015. Morpho-structural evolution of a volcanic island developed inside an active oceanic rift: S. Miguel Island (Terceira Rift, Azores). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 301, 90-106.

[29] Marques, F.O., Catalão, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., 2015. Ground motion and tectonics in the Terceira Island: Tectonomagmatic interactions in an oceanic rift (Terceira Rift, Azores Triple Junction). Tectonophysics, 651-652, 19-34.

[28] Al Kwatli M.A., Gillot P.Y., Lefèvre J.C., Hildenbrand A., 2015. Morpho-structural analysis of Harrat Al Sham volcanic field, Arabian plate (Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia): Methodology and application. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8 (9), 6867-6880.

[27] Sibrant, A.L.R., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Costa, A.C.G., 2015. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the Santa Maria Island (Azores): Implications for paleostress evolution at the western Eurasia–Nubia plate boundary. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 291, 49-62.

[26] Hildenbrand A., Weis D., Madureira P., Marques F.O., 2014. “Recent plate re-organization at the Azores Triple Junction: evidence from combined geochemical and geochronological data on Faial, S. Jorge and Terceira volcanic islands”. Lithos, 210-211:27-39.

[25] Sibrant, A., Marques, FO., Hildenbrand, A., 2014. Construction and destruction of a volcanic island developed inside an oceanic rift: Graciosa Island, Terceira Rift, Azores". Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284, 32-45.

[24] Marques, F.O., Catalão, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., Costa, A.C.G., Dias, N.A., 2014. The 1998 Faial earthquake, Azores: Evidence for a transform fault associated with the Nubia–Eurasia plate boundary? Tectonophysics, 633, 115-125.

[23] Al Kwatli, M.A., Gillot, P.Y., Lefèvre, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., Kluska, J.M., 2014. Magma genesis controlled by tectonic styles in the northern part of the Arabia plate during Cenozoic time. Special publication of the Geological Society of London, 392, 61-91.

[22] Costa, A.C.G., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Sibrant, A.L.R., Catita, C.M.S., 2014. Large-scale catastrophic flank collapses in a steep volcanic ridge: the Pico-Faial Ridge, Azores Triple Junction. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 272, 111-125.

[21] Métrich, N., Zanon, V., Créon, L., Hildenbrand, A., Moreira, M., Marques, F.O., 2014. Is the “Azores hotspot” a wetspot? Insights from the geochemistry of fluid and melt inclusions in olivine of Pico basalts. Journal of Petrology, 55, 377-393.

[20] Boulesteix, T., Hildenbrand, A., Soler, V., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.Y., 2013. Coeval giant landslides in the Canary Islands: Implications for global, regional and local triggers of giant flank collapses on oceanic volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 257, 90-98.

[19] Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Catalão, J., Catita, C.M.S., Costa, A.C.G., 2013. Reply to the Comment by Mitchell et al. (2013) on Large-scale active slump of the southeastern flank of Pico Island, Azores. Geology, 41 (12), 302-302.

[18] Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Costa, A.C.G., Sibrant, A., Silva, P., Henry, B., Miranda, M., Madureira, P., 2013. Reply to the comment by Quartau and Mitchell on “Reconstructing the architectural evolution of volcanic islands from combined K/Ar, morphologic, tectonic, and magnetic data: The Faial Island example (Azores)”, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 241–242, 39–48, by Hildenbrand et al. (2012). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 255, 127-130.

[17] Marques, F.O., Catalão, J.C., DeMets, C., Costa, A.C.G., Hildenbrand, A., 2013. GPS and tectonic evidence for a diffuse plate boundary at the Azores Triple Junction. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 381, 177-187.

[16] Al Kwatli, M.A., Gillot, P.Y., Zeyen, H., Hildenbrand, A., Al Gharib, I., 2012. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the northern part of the Arabian plate in the light of new K-Ar ages and remote sensing: Harrat Ash Shaam volcanic province (Syria). Tectonophysics, 580, 192-207.

[15] Boulesteix, T., Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., Soler, V., 2012. Eruptive response of oceanic islands to giant landslides: New insights from the geomorphologic evolution of the Teide–Pico Viejo volcanic complex (Tenerife, Canary). Geomorphology, 138 (1), 61-73.

[14] Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Costa, A.C.G., Sibrant, A.L.R., Silva, P.F., Henry, B., Miranda, J.M., Madureira, P., 2012. Reconstructing the architectural evolution of volcanic islands from combined K/Ar, morphologic, tectonic, and magnetic data: the Faial Island example (Azores). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 241-242:39-48.

[13] Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Catalão, Catita, C.M.S., Costa, A.C.G. , 2012. Large-scale active slump of the SE flank of Pico Island (Azores). Geology, 40, 939-942.

[12] Silva, P.F., Henry, B., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., Mériaux, C.A., Kratinová, Z., 2012. Palaeomagnetic study of a subaerial volcanic ridge (São Jorge Island, Azores) for the past 1.3 Myr: evidence for the Cobb Mountain Subchron, volcano flank instability and tectonomagmatic implications. Geophysical Journal International, 188 (3), 959-978.

[11] Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., Marques, F.O., Cruz, I., Henry, B., Silva, P., 2008. Multi-stage evolution of a sub-aerial volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr: S. Jorge Island, Azores Triple Junction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 273, 289-298.

[10] Gillot, P.Y., Hildenbrand, A., Lefèvre, J.C., Albore-Livadie, C., 2008. The K/Ar dating method: principle, analytical techniques and application to Holocene volcanic eruptions in southern Italy. Acta Vulcanologica, 18 (1-2), 55-66.

[9] Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., Marlin, C., 2008. Geomorphological study of long-term erosion on a tropical volcanic ocean island: Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia). Geomorphology, 93 (3), 460-481.

[8] Quidelleur, X., Hildenbrand, A., Samper, A., 2008: Causal link between Quaternary paleoclimatic changes and volcanic islands evolution.. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L02303.

[7] Bonneville, A., Dosso, L., Hildenbrand, A., 2006. Temporal evolution of the south-Pacific superplume activity: new data from the Cook-Australes volcanic chain Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 244 (1-2), 251-269.

[6] Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., Bonneville, A., 2006. Off-shore evidence for a huge landslide of the northern flank of Tahiti-Nui (french Polynesia). Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 7 (3), 1-12.

[5] Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., 2006. Evidence for a differentiated ignimbritic activity ending the building-stage of Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia). Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 338, 280-287.

[4] Hildenbrand, A., Marlin, C., Conroy, A., Gillot, P.Y., Filly, A., Massault, M., 2005. Isotopic approach of rainfall and groundwater circulation in the volcanic structure of Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia). Journal of Hydrology, 302 (1-4), 187-208.

[3] Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., and Le Roy, I., 2004. Volcano-tectonic and geochemical evolution of an oceanic intra-plate volcano: Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia), Earth Planetary Science Letters, 217 (3), 349-365.

[2] Gillot, P.Y., Hildenbrand, A., Clouard, V., 2004. Comments on “Epiclastic deposits and “horseshoe-shaped” caldeiras in Tahiti (Society Islands) and Ua Huka (Marquesas Archipelago), French Polynesia” by Clément et al. (2003). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 136 (1–2), 159–163.

[1] Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y., Soler, V., and Lahitte, P., 2003. Evidence for a persistent uplifting of La Palma (Canary Islands) inferred from morphological and radiometric data, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 210, 277-289.

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