1 - Gillot, P-Y., Bellon, H. and Pantaloni, A., 1972. Chronométrie de quelques intrusions volcaniques du sud du plateau du Larzac. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 274 : 2855-2858.
2 - Bellon, H., Gillot, P-Y. and Nativel, P., 1974. Eocene volcanic activity in Bourgogne-Charollais, Massif Central (France). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 23 : 53-58.
3 - Gillot, P-Y., 1974. Chronométrie par la méthode potassium-argon des laves des Causses et du Bas-Languedoc : interprétations. Thèse 3° cycle, Université Paris XI-Orsay, 88 pp.
4 - Cassignol, C., David, B., Gillot, P-Y., 1977. Contribution au dosage de l'argon dans l'échantillon de glauconite Gl-O. Geostandard Newslett., 1 : 105-106.
5 - Cassignol, C., Cornette, Y., David, B., Gillot, P-Y., 1978. Technologie potassium-argon. Rapport CEA R-4802, CEN Saclay Publ., 37 pp.
6 - Gillot, P-Y., 1978. K-Ar dating of the Laschamp magnetic excursion a method for young rocks dating. I.C.G.C.I.G., Denver, Geol. Surv. open file rep. 78-701, 140-142.
7 - Gillot, P-Y., Valladas, G., Reyss, J.L., 1978. Dating of lava flow using a granite enclave : application to the Laschamp magnetic event. In : Proceedings specialist seminar on thermoluminescence dating, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, publ., PACT, 3 : 166-173.
8 - Valladas, G. and Gillot, P-Y., 1978. Dating of the Olby lava flow using heated quartz pebbles : some problems. In : Proceedings specialist seminar on thermoluminescence dating. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, Publ., PACT, 3 : 141-150.
9 - Valladas, G., Gillot, P-Y. and Guérin, G., 1978. Dating plagioclase. In : A specialist seminar on thermoluminescence dating, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, publ., PACT, 3, 251-257.
10 - Gillot, P-Y., Labeyrie, J., Laj, C., Valladas, G., Guérin, G., Poupeau, G., Delibrias, G., 1979. Age of the Laschamp magnetic excursion revisited. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 42 : 444-450.
11 - Gillot, P-Y. and Villari, L., 1980. K-Ar geochronological data onthe Aeolian Arc Volcanism, a preliminary report. C.N.R., Ist. Int. Vulcan. open file report 3/80, 145, 15pp.
12 - Guérin, G., Gillot, P-Y., Le Garrec, M.J. and Brousse, R., 1981. Age subactuel des dernières manifestations éruptives du Mont Dore et du Cézallier. C. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, 292 : 855-857.
13 - Cassignol, C., Gillot, P-Y., 1982. Range and effectiveness of unspiked potassium-argon dating : experimental groundwork and applications. In : G.S. Odin (Editor), Numerical Dating in Stratigraphy. Willey, Chichester, pp. 159-179.
14 - Gillot, P-Y. and Nativel, P., 1982. K-Ar chronology of the ultimate activity of Piton des Neiges Volcano, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. J. Volcan. Geoth. Res., 13, 131-146.
15 - Gillot, P-Y., Chiesa, S., Pasquaré, G., Vezzoli, L., 1982. <33,000 years K-Ar dating of the volcano-tectonic horst of the Isle of Ischia, Gulf of Naples. Nature, 299 : 242-244.
16 - Cornette, Y., Crisci, G., Gillot, P-Y. and Orsi, G., 1983. Recent volcanic history of Pantelleria : a new interpretation. Journ. Volcanol., Geoth. Res., 17 : 361-373.
17 - Civetta, L., Cornette, Y., Crisci, G., Gillot, P-Y., Orsi, G. and Requejo, C.S., 1984. Geology, geochronology and chemical evolution of the island of Pantelleria. Geol. Mag., 121 : 541-562.
18 - Frazzetta, G., Gillot, P-Y., La Volpe, L., Sheridan, M.F., 1984. Volcanic hazards at Fossa of Vulcano : data from the last 6,000 years. Bull. Volcan., 47 - 1 : 105-124.
19 - Gillot, P-Y., 1984. Datation par la méthode du potassium-argon des roches volcaniques récentes (pleistocènes et holocènes). Contributions à l'étude chronostratigraphique et magmatique des provinces volcaniques de Campanie, des Iles Eoliennes, de Pantelleria (Italie du Sud) et de la Réunion (Océan Indien). Thèse, Paris XI - Orsay, 225 pp.
20 - Civetta, L., Gillot, P-Y. and Orsi, G., 1985. The Island of Pantelleria. In : Excursions Guidebook of the IAVCEI scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism-Mount Etna volcano Giardini-Naxos, Grup. Naz. Vulc. CNR edit., 155-169.
21 - De Rosa, R., Gillot, P-Y., Lanzafame, G. and Mazzuoli, R., 1985. The Island of Lipari. In : Excursions Guidebook of the IAVCEI scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism-Mount Etna volcano Giardini-Naxos, Grup. Naz. Vulc. CNR edit., 111-125.
22 - Frazzetta, G., Gillot, P-Y. and La Volpe, L., 1985. The Island of Vulcano. In : Excursions Guidebook of the IAVCEI scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism-Mount Etna volcano Giardini-Naxos, Grup. Naz. Vulc. CNR edit., 125-140.
23 - Capaldi, G., Civetta, L. and Gillot, P-Y., 1985. Geochronology of Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks from Southern Italy. Rend. Soc. It. Min. Petr., 40 : 25-44.
24 - Gillot, P-Y. and Cornette, Y., 1986. The Cassignol technique for potassium argon dating, precision and accuracy : examples from the late Pleistocene to recent volcanics from Southern Italy. Chem. Geol. (Isot. Geosc. Sect.), 59, 205 - 222.
25 - Paterne, M., Guichard, F., Labeyrie, J., Gillot, P-Y. and Duplessy, J.C, 1986.Tyrrhenian Sea tephrochronology of the oxygen isotope record for the past 60,000 years. Marine Geol., 72, 259 - 285.
26 - Gillot, P-Y. and coll., 1986. Guide de l'excursion de la section volcanologie de la Société géologique de France : Lipari et Pantelleria. Sect. Volc. Soc. Geol. Fr. edit., 37 pp.
27 - Poli, S., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Gregnanin, A. and Guichard, F., 1987. Chemistry versus time in the volcanic complex of Ischia (Gulf of Naples, Italy) : evidence of successive magmatic cycles. Contr. Miner. Petrol., 95, 322 - 335.
28 - Gillot, P-Y., 1987. Histoire volcanique des Iles Eoliennes : arc insulaire ou complexe orogénique annulaire ? Doc. & Trav. IGAL Paris, 11, 49 - 56.
29 - Cornette, Y., Gillot, P-Y., Barrier, P. and Jehenne, F., 1987. Données radiométriques préliminaires (potassium-argon) sur des cinérites plio-pléistocènes du Détroit de Messine. Doc & Trav. IGAL Paris, 11, 76 -78.
30 - Civetta, L., Cornette, Y., Gillot, P-Y. and Orsi, G., 1988 . The eruptive history of Pantelleria (Sicily Channel) in the last 50 ka. Bull. Volcanol., 50 : 47-57.
31 - Gillot, P-Y., 1988. Geochronology - Island of Ischia, Quaderni de "la ricerca scientifica", 114, L;Vezzoli ed., Progetto Finalizzato "Geodinamica" monografie finali, vol. 10, CNR Roma, 126pp.
32 - Gillot, P-Y. and P. Nativel, 1989. Eruptive history of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island, Indian Ocean. Journ. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 36, 53-65.
33 - Poli, S., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Guichard, F. and Vezzoli, L., 1989. Time dimension in the geochimical approach and hazards estimate of a volcanic area : the Isle of Ischia case (Italy). Journ. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 36, 327-335.
34 - Levi, S., Audunsson, H., Duncan, R.A., Kristjansson, L., Gillot, P-Y. and Jakobsson, S.P., 1990. Late Pleistocene geomagnetic excursion in Icelandic lavas : confirmation of the Laschamp excursion. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 96, 443-457.
35 - Gabbianelli, G., Gillot, P-Y., Lanzafame, G., Romagnoli, C. and Rossi, P.L., 1990. Tectonic and Volcanic Evolution of Panarea (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Marine Geology, 92, .
36 - Léotot, C., Gillot, P-Y., Guichard, F. and Brousse, R., 1990. Le volcan de Taravao (Tahiti) : un exemple de volcanisme polyphasique associé à une structure d'effondrement. Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr., VI, n°6, 951-961.
37 - Gillot, P-Y., Nativel, P. and Condomines, M., 1990. Géochronologie du Piton de la Fournaise. In "le volcanisme de la Réunion,", J.F. Lénat Ed., Centre de Recherches Volcanologiques Publ., Nov. 1990.
38 - Chauvin, A., Gillot, P-Y. and Bonhommet, N., 1991. Paleointensity of the Earth's magnetic field recorded by two late quaternary volcanic sequences, at the Island of La Réunion (Indian Ocean). Journ. Geophys. Res., 96, 1981-2006.
39 - Odin, G.S., Barbin, V., Hurford, A.J., Baadsgaard, H., Galbrun, B. and Gillot, P-Y., 1991. Multi-method radiometric dating of volcano-sedimentary layers from northern Italy : age and duration of the Priabonian stage. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 106, 151-168.
40 - Gillot, P-Y., Jéhanno, C., Rocchia, R. and Sigurdsson, H., 1991. Datation par la méthode potassium-argon de la limite Crétacé-Paléogène en milieu marin : âge des verres de Béloc (Haïti). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 313, 193-199.
41 - Odin, G.S., Hernandez, J., Lordkipanidze, M., Gillot, P-Y. and Dercourt, J., 1992. Première datation radiométrique K-Ar d'un niveau bathonien daté paléontologiquement (Géorgie, URSS) ; utilisation de la cathodoluminescence pour sélectionner des plagioclases favorables. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 163 n°1, 37-47.
42 - Gillot, P-Y., Cornette, Y. and Guille, G., 1992. Age (K-Ar) et conditions d'édification du soubassement volcanique de l'atoll de Mururoa (Pacifique Sud). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 314, 393-399.
43 - Odin, G.S., Gillot, P-Y and Baudin, F., 1992. 51. Data report : geochronology of the glauconitic grains in the lower cretaceous of hole 762C on the Exmouth plateau. In Von Rad, U. and Haq, B.U. Edit : "Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program", Scientific results, Vol. 122, 851-853.
44 - Gillot, P-Y., Cornette, Y., Max, N. and Floris, B., 1992. Presentation of two reference materials for argon dating (K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar) of Pleistocene and Holocene rocks. Geostandards Newsletter, XVI, n°1 : 55-60.
45 - Zanchi, A., Chiesa, S. and Gillot, P-Y., 1992. Tectonic evolution of the southern Alps in the Orobic chain : structural and geochronological indications for pre-tertiary compressive tectonics. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 45 (1990) : 77-82.
46 - Chiesa, S., Civella, G., Gillot, P-Y. and Mora, O., 1992. Rocas piroclasticas asociadas con la formacion de la caldera de guayabo, cordillera de Guanacaste, Costa-Rica. Rev. Geol. Amér. Central, 14 : 59-75.
47 - Guillou, H., Brousse, R., Gillot, P-Y. and Guille, G., 1993. Geological reconstruction of Fangataufa atoll, South Pacific. Marine Geology, 110, 377-391.
48 - Gillot, P-Y. and Keller, J., 1993. Radiochronological dating of Stromboli. Vulcanologica Acta, 3 : 69-77.
49 - Binard N., Maury R.C., Guille G., Tallandier J., Gillot P.Y & Cotten J., 1993. Mehetia island, South Pacific: Geology and petrology of the emerged part of the society hot spot.- Journ. Volc. Geoth. Res., 55, p239-260.
50 - Odin, G.S., Gillot, P-Y., Lordkipanidze, M., Hernandez, J. and Dercourt, J., 1993. Premières datations de formations à ammonites bajociennes du Caucase (Géorgie) ; âges K-Ar de hornblendes volcaniques. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 317,II, p.629-638.
51 - Kieffer, G., Gillot, P-Y., Cornette, Y. and Nativel, P., 1993, Une phase éruptive exceptionnelle dans l'histoire récente du Piton des Neiges (île de la Réunion) : l'éruption de la "dalle soudée". C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 317 : 835-842.
52 - Gillot, P-Y., 1993. La datation potassium-argon : un accès à la dynamique et à l'histoire de la terre. Clefs CEA, 26 : 2-12.
53 - Gillot, P-Y., Kieffer, G. and Romano, R., 1994. The evolution of mount Etna in the light of potassium-argon dating. Volcanologica acta, 5 : 81-87.
54 - Tric, E., Valet, J.P. and Gillot, P-Y.1994, Absolute paleointensities between 60 and 160 kys B.P. from mount Etna (Sicily). Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 85 : 17pp.
55 - Lefèvre, J-C. et Gillot, P-Y., 1994. Datation potassium-argon de roches volcaniques du Pléistocène Supérieur et de l'Holocène : exemple de l'Italie du Sud ; application à l'archéologie. Bull. Soc. Préhist. Fr., 91 : 94-99.
56 - Gillot, P-Y., Lefèvre, J-C. and Nativel, P-E., 1994. Model for the structural evolution of the volcanoes of Réunion Island. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 122 : 291-302.
57 - Gillot, P-Y., Chiesa, S. and Alvarado G. E., 1994. Chronostratigraphy of Upper Miocene - Quaternary volcanism in northern Costa-Rica. Rev. Geol. Amer. Central, 17 : 45-53.
58 - Caroff, M., Maury, R., Vidal, Ph., Guille, G., Dupuy, C., Cotten, J., Guillou, H. and Gillot, P-Y., 1995. Rapid temporal changes in ocean basalt composition : evidence from an 800m deep drill hole in EIAO shield (Marquesas). Journ. Petrol., 36 : 1333-1365.
59 - Chiesa, S., Floris, B., Gillot, P-Y., Prosperi, L. and Vezzoli, L., 1995. Il vulcano di Roccamonfina. In : "Lazio meridionale, sintesi delle ricerche geologiche multidisciplinari", C. Carrara Ed., ENEA publ, Roma.
60 - Raïs, A., Laj, C., Surmont, J., Gillot, P-Y. and Guillou, H., 1996. Geomagnetic field intensity between 70 000 and 130 000 years BP from a volcanic sequence on la Réunion, Indian Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. lett., 140 : 173-189.
61 - Laj, C., Rais, A., Surmont, J., Gillot, P-Y., Guillou, H., Kissel, C., Zanella, E., 1997. Changes of the geomagnetic field vector obtained from lava sequence on the island of vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Sicily)Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 99 : 161-177.
62 - Valet, J.P., J. Brassart, I. Le Meur, V. Soler, X. Quidelleur, E. Tric and P.Y. Gillot, 1996. Absolute Paleointensity and Magnetomineralogical Changes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101: 25029-25044.
63 - Manighetti, I., Tapponnier, P., Courtillot, V., Gruszow, S. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Propagation of rifting along the Arabia-Somalia plate boundary : I - the gulfs of Aden and Tadjoura. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 : 2681-2710.
64 - Monaco, C., Tapponnier, P., Tortorici, L. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Late Quaternary slip rates on the Acireale-Piedimonte normal faults and tectonic origin of Mount Etna (Sicily). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 147, 1-4, 125-139.
65 - Manighetti, I., Tapponnier, P., Gillot, P-Y., Courtillot, V., Jacques, E., Armijo, R. and Ruegg, J-C., 1998. Propagation of rifting along the Arabia-Somalia plate boundary : into Afar. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103:4347-4374.
66 - Hoyos, M., Gillot, P-Y., Sanz, E., Soler, V., Sanchez-Moral, S. and Canaveras, J.C., 1998. El volcanismo de Nuevalos (Zaragoza) : situacion morfoestructural y edad. Estudios geol. 54 : 103-107.
67 - Valet, J.P., Brassart, J., X. Quidelleur, V. Soler, P.Y. Gillot and L. Hongre, 1999. Paleointensity variations across the last geomagnetic reversal at La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain). sous presse, Journal of Geophysical Research.
68 - Carlut, J., Valet, J.P., Quidelleur, X., Courtillot, V., Kidane, T., Gallet, Y. and Gillot, P-Y., 1999. Paleointensity across the Reunion Event in Ethiopia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 170, 17-34.
69 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y., Carlut, J. and V. Courtillot, 1999. Link between excursions and paleointensity inferred from abnormal field directions recorded at la Palma around 600 ka. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 168, 233-242.
70 - Tesfaye, K., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y. and Tigistu, H., 1999. Identification of the Réunion event in the Ethiopian Afar., J. Geophys. Res. J. Geophys. Res., 104 : 10405-10419.
71 - Carlut, J., Valet, J.P., Quidelleur, X., Courtillot, V., Kidane, T., Gallet, Y. and Gillot, P-Y., 1999. Paleointensity accross the Réunion event in Ethiopia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 170 : 17-34.
72 - Deconninck, J.F., Gillot, P-Y., Steinberg, M. et Strasser, A., 2001. Syn-depositional, low temperature illite formation at the jurassic-cretaceous boundary (Purbeckian) in the Jura mountains (Switzerland and France. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 172, 343-348.
73 - Lahitte P., Coulié E., Mercier N., Tesfaye K. et Gillot P-Y., 2001. Chronologie K-Ar et TL du volcanisme aux extrémités sud du propagateur Mer Rouge en Afar depuis 300 ka. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 332, 13-20..
74 - Quidelleur X., Gillot P-Y., Soler V. and Lefèvre J-C., 2001. Last millenium dating of the youngest episode of the Teide Volcano (Canary Islands, Spain). Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3067-3070.
75 - Pinti D.L., Quidelleur X., Chiesa S., Ravazzi C. and Gillot P-Y., 2001. K-Ar dating and paleomagnetic evidence of an Early Pleistocene distal tephra in the interglacial varved succession of the Pianico-Sellere basin (Southern Alps, Italy). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 188, 1-7.
76 - Clouard V., Bonneville A. and Gillot P-Y., 2000. Evidence for a giant submarine landslide discovered offshore Tahiti Island, French Polynesia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2253-2256.
77 - Gillot, P-Y. et JC. Lefèvre, 2002. La datation potassium-argon : extension du champ de la méthode au Pleistocène et à l’Holocène ; comparaison des techniques d’analyse K-Ar et Ar-Ar, 1155-1172. Dans “ Géologie de la préhistoire : méthodes, techniques, applications ”, J.C. Miskovsky ed., GEOPRE pub., Paris, 1520 pp..
78 – Zazo, C., J.L. Goy, C. Hillaire-Marcel, P.-Y. Gillot, V. Soler, J.A. Gonzalez, C. J. Dabrio and B. Ghaleb, 2002. Raised marine séquences of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura revisited - A reappraisal of relative sea-level changes and vertical mouvements in the Eastern Canary Islands during the Quaternary. Quaternary Sci. Rev., 21: 2019-2046.
79 - Quidelleur X., J. Carlut, P.-Y. Gillot and V. Soler, 2002. Evolution of the geomagnetic field prior to the Matuyama-Brunhes transition: Identification of a 820 ka old excursion at La Palma. Geophys. J. Int., 151: F6-F10.
80 – A. Bonneville, R. Le Suavé, L. Audin, V. Clouard, L. Dosso, P.-Y. Gillot, P. Janney, K. Jordahl and K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2002. Arago Seamount, The missing hotspot found in the Austral Islands, Geology: 1023-1026.
81 - Clouard V., Bonneville A. and Gillot P.Y., 2003. Lithospheric control on the Tarava hotspot track, in the South Pacific Superswell area. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett..6530:1-14.
82 - P. Lahitte, P.-Y. Gillot, V. Courtillot, 2002, Large silicic central volcanoes as precursors to rift propagation: the Afar case. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., sous presse.
83 - Coulié, E., Quidelleur, X., Gillot P.Y., Courtillot V., Lefèvre, J.C. and S. Chiesa, 2003. Comparative K-Ar and Ar/Ar dating of Ethiopian and Yemenite Oligocene volcanism : Implications for timing and duration of the Ethiopian Traps. ,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett..Accepté.
84 - P. Lahitte, P.-Y. Gillot, T. Kidane, V. Courtillot and A. Bekele, 2002, New age constraints on the timing of volcanism in central Afar, in the presence of propagating rifts. Sous presse à J. Geophys. Res.
85 - Tesfaye, K., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Audin, L., Lahitte, P., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y., Gallet, Y., Carlut, J. and T. Haile., 2002. New paleomagnetic and geochronological results from Ethiopian Afar: Block rotations linked to overlap and propagation, and determination of a 2 Ma reference pole for stable Africa. J. Geophys. Res., sous presse.
86 - Pinti, D.L., Quidelleur, X., Lahitte, P., Aznar, C., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P.Y. (2003). The Piànico tephra: an early-Middle Pleistocene record of intraplate volcanism in the Mediterranean. Sous presse à Terra Nova.
87 - Quidelleur, X., Carlut, J., Soler, V, J.-P., Valet and Gillot, P.-Y., 2003. The age and duration of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition from new K-Ar data from La Palma (Canary Islands) and revisited 40Ar/39Ar ages. Sous presse à EPSL.
88 - A. Hildenbrand, P.-Y. Gillot, V. Soler and P. Lahitte, 2003. Evidence for a persistent uplifting of La Palma (Canary Islands), inferred from morphological and radiometric data. Accepté à EPSL.

Présentations en congrès.

1 - Gillot, P-Y. and Cassignol, C.,(1975) Treatment of the results of K-Ar measurements for very young basalts. 4° ECOG, Amsterdam (Abstracts).
2 - Gillot P-Y. and Cassignol, C., (1977) K-Ar dating of Laschamp magnetic event. 5° ECOG, Pise (Abstracts).
3 - Gillot, P-Y., Poupeau, G. and Valladas, G.,(1977) La datation des roches volcaniques récentes par thermoluminescence. 5° R.A.S.T., Rennes, 247, (Abstracts).
4 - Gillot, P-Y. and Lirer, L., 1979. K-Ar ages of trachytic lavas from Phlegrean Fields (Campania, Italia). 6° ECOG, Lillehammer, abstract.
5 - Gillot, P-Y. and Nativel, P., 1979. K-Ar dating of the differentiated series of Piton des Neiges volcano (Reunion Island, Indian Ocean). 6° ECOG, Lillehammer, abstract.
6 - Gillot, P-Y. and Villari, L., 1981. K-Ar dating of the Aeolian Islands volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). 7° ECOG, Jerusalem, Terra Cognita, 2, 1, p 56.
7 - Gillot, P-Y. and Vezzoli, L., 1981. K-Ar chronology of the island of Ischia volcano-tectonic complex (Gulf of Naples, Southern Italy). 7° ECOG, Jerusalem, Terra Cognita, 2,1, p 57.
8 - Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Pasquaré, G. and Vezzoli, L., 1981. Evidence of a continuous volcanic activity in the neapolitan area since 35,000 a. 1st EUG meeting, Strasbourg, Terra Cognita, 1, p 138.
9 - Frazzetta, G., Gillot, P-Y., La Volpe, L. and Sheridan, M.F., 1983. Dispersal of tephra as a tool for the volcanic hazard : the Fossa of Vulcano in the last 8,000 years. XVIII° Assembly of UGGI, Hamburg, abstract.
10 - Gillot, P-Y., 1983. Pleistocene K-Ar dating. 1st annual meeting of IGCP project 196 "calibration of the phanerozoic time scale", London, UNESCO Edit., IGCP 196, 2 : 9-11.
Invited talk
11 - Gillot, P-Y., Civetta, L. and Orsi, G., 1984. Evolution of a peralkaline magma chamber through time : the Isle of Pantelleria case. 8th ECOG, Braunlage (RFA), Terra Cognita, spring 1984, p 18.
12 - Gillot, P-Y., 1985. K-Ar Upper Pleistocene dating. 3rd meeting of IGCP project 196, EUG Strasbourg, Terra Cognita 5, p 234.
13 - Paterne, M., Guichard, F., Labeyrie, J., Gillot, P-Y. and Duplessy, J.C., 1985. Tephrochronology of the oxygen isotope records for the past 60,000 years. 3rd meeting of IGCP project 196, EUG Strasbourg, Terra Cognita 5, p 234.
14 - Capaldi, G., Gillot, P-Y., Munno, R., Orsi, G. and Rolandi, G., 1985. The Sarno formation : the major plinian eruption of the Somma-Vesuvius (Italy). In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic Volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
15 - Chiesa, S., Cornette, Y., Gillot, P-Y. and Vezzoli, L., 1985. New interpretation of Roccamonfina volcanic history. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic Volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
16 - Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y. and Orsi, G., 1985. The Citara-Serrara formation (Ischia Island) : evidence for different explosive eruptions. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic Volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
17 - Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Pasquaré, G. and Vezzoli, L., 1985. Collapse and resurgent calderic movements in a volcano tectonic area : a new interpretation of the geological history of Ischia Island. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
18 - Civetta, L., Gillot, P-Y., Lirer, L., Mantovani, M.S.N. and Muno, R., 1985. K-Ar chronology, geochemistry and Sr isotope variations of Phlegrean Fields eruptive products : implications for the temporal evolution of the magma system and for the mantle source. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
19 - Civetta, L., Cornette, Y., Gillot, P-Y. and Orsi, G., 1985. Eruptive history of Pantelleria : an example of time predictable silicic volcanism. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
20 - De Rosa, R., Gillot, P-Y., Lanzafame; G., Mazzuoli, R. and Sonnino, M., 1985. Volcanism of Lipari Island : evolution of a Pleistocene complex composite volcano. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
21 - Francalanci, L., Manetti, P., Peccerillo, A., Gillot, P-Y., Barbieri, M. and Tolomeo, L., 1985. Chemical evolution of the lavas of Stromboli : relationships between the calc-alkaline and the shoshonitic products. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
22 - Gillot, P-Y., 1985. K-Ar dating on Pleistocene and Holocene volcanites : example from the Aeolian Islands volcanic history. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, Potassic volcanism - Mount Etna Volcano, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstract, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
Invited talk
23 - Gillot, P-Y., 1985. The recent volcanic activity in the Gulf of Naples : compared evolution of Ischia and Phlegrean Fields. In : IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly, potassic volcanism - Mount Etna, Giardini-Naxos (Italy). Abstracts, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ..
24 - Poli, S., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Gregnanin, A., Guichard, F. and Stella, R., 1985. Major and trace elements variation versus time in the volcanic products of Ischia (Gulf of Naples, Italy) : evidences of successive magmatic cycles. In : IAVCEI 1985 Assembly, potassic volcanism - Mount Etna volcano, Giardini- Naxos. Abstracts, Ist. Int. Volc. Catania Publ.
25 - Gillot, P-Y., 1986. Progrès dans l'analyse K-Ar : datation de laves historiques. 11° R.S.T. Clermont-Ferrand.
26 - Guérin, G., Gillot, P-Y. et Valladas, H., 1986. Datation du Pléistocène supérieur et de l'Holocène. Intercomparaison entre TL, K-Ar et C-14. 11° R.S.T. Clermont-Ferrand.
27 - Gillot, P-Y. and Valladas, H., 1986. Upper Pleistocene chronology : cross-checked 14C, TL and K-Ar dating. 6th Int. Conf. Geochron. Cosmochron Isot. Geol., Cambridge, abstracts Terra Cognita, 6 - 2, 140.
28 - Gillot, P-Y., 1986. Geochronological (K-Ar) reconstruction of the recent history of active volcanoes for hazard estimate : example from the neapolitan area. 6th Int. Conf. Geochron. Cosmochron. Isot. Geol., Cambridge, abstracts Terra Cognita, 6 - 2, 203.
29 - Gillot, P-Y. and Romano, R., 1987. Potassium-argon dating of Mount Etna volcano (Sicily). IAVCEI symposium on "how volcanoes work", Hawaii, US Geol. Surv. edit..
30 - Gillot, P-Y., 1987. Presentation of two reference samples for the argon dating of recent volcanic rocks. 4th EUG, Strasbourg, abstracts in Terra Cognita,
Invited talk
31 - Gillot, P-Y., 1987. The dating of the Recent Epoch : intercomparison between the techniques ; presentation of reference material. Workshop on the dating of MORB, North-Western University at Evanston, Illinois, Joint Ocean. Inst. and Nat. Sc. Found. Ocean Drilling Program edit..
Invited talk
32 - Gillot, P-Y., 1987. The dating of the Plio-Pleistocene, a review. Presented at the Società Geologica of America Central, Univ. Costa Rica, S. Jose, published in the Rev. Geol. Am. Cent..
Invited talk
33 - Léotot, C. and Gillot, P-Y., 1988. Mise en évidence d'un effondrement de caldera par des paramètres chimiques. 12° RST, Lille.
34 - Gillot, P-Y., Cornette Y. and J. Couthures, 1988. Presentation of a first set of new reference materials for K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating within the Upper Pleisteocene ; proposal for an independant common reference rock for fission track and potassium argon dating. Int. Symposium Time Scale Calibration, Besançon, sept. 1988.
35 - Gillot, P-Y., Cornette, Y. et Guille, G., 1988. La vitesse d'édification du volcan de Mururoa d'après la datation de coulées superposées dans le forage Hydro-Nerite. Séance Magmatisme, Volcanologie et Hot spots de Polynésie Française (Pacifique). suppl. Bull. Minéral., 111, 1988/5, 5-6.
Invited talk
36 - Léotot, C., Brousse, R., Gillot, P-Y. et Guichard, F., 1988. Cycles éruptifs de Taravao : de la géologie et de la géochimie à la géométrie du réservoir. Séance Magmatisme, Volcanologie et Hot spots de Polynésie Française (Pacifique), suppl. Bull. Minéral., 111, 1988/5, p 9.
37 - Keller, J., Gillot, P-Y., Rehren, Th. and Stadlbauer, E., 1989. Chronostratigraphic data for the volcanism in the eastern hellenic arc : Nisyros and Kos. EUG V, Strasbourg, Terra abstracts, 1, 1989, p 354.
38 - Gillot, P-Y., Guilloux, H. et Guille, G., 1990. Ages potassium-argon et conditions d'édification du substratum volcanique de l'atoll de Fangataufa (Polynésie Française). 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990.
39 - Lefèvre, J-C. et Gillot, P-Y., 1990. Chronotratigraphie K-Ar de niveaux volcaniques Pleistocènes et Holocènes : exemple du volcanisme de la région de Naples. 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990.
40 - Santi, P. et Gillot, P-Y., 1990. Chronostratigraphie K-Ar du complexe éruptif de Vulsini (Italie Centrale). 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990.
41 - Karsten, J., Gillot , P-Y. and Valladas, G.,1990. TL and K-Ar dating of young MORB : example from Juan de Fuca ridge (Pacific Ocean). AGU spring meeting, may 1990.
42 - Gillot, P-Y., Chiesa , S. and Alvarado,G.E., 1990. Chronostratigraphy and evolution of the Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in north Costa-Rica : the Arenal volcano-structural framework. IAVCEI meeting, Mainz, sept. 1990.
43 - Zanchi, A., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P-Y., Chinaglia, N., Abebe, T., De Toni, S. and Bottin, R., 1990. Tectonic evolution of the southern Alps in the Orobic region : structural analysis and geochronology, 75° congresso Nazionale Soc. Geol. Italiana, Milano, 10-12 sept. 1990.
44 - Gillot, P-Y., Lefevre, J-C. and Nativel, P., 1990. Etude chronologique (potassium- argon) et évolution comparée du Piton des Neiges et du Piton de la Fournaise. Workshop on Réunion active hot spot, Ile de la Réunion, nov. 1990.
45 - Gillot, P-Y. et Lefèvre, J-C., 1990. Datation potassium-argon d'évènements volcaniques du Pléistocène Supérieur et de l'Holocène. Centre Européen pour les Biens Culturels, Ravello, PACT news, 20 : 16-18.
Invited talk
46 - Gillot, P-Y., Nappi, G., Santi, P. and Renzulli, A., 1991. Space-time evolution of the Vulsini volcanic complexes, Central Italy. EUG VI, Strasbourg, Terra abstracts 3, 446.
47 - Chiesa, S., Floris, B., Gillot, P-Y., Prosperi, L. and Vezzoli, L., 1991. Evoluzione del vulcano di Roccamonfina : dati stratigrfici, chimico-petrografici e geocronologici. Convegno in memoria di Ogniben, catania, published in Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital..
48 - Gillot, P-Y. and Keller, J., 1991. The evolution of Stromboli on the basis of K-Ar dating. International Meeting Osservatorio Vesuviano, Napoli, August 1991.
Invited talk
49 - Alvarado, G.E., Soto, G.J., Chiesa, S. and Gillot, P-Y., 1991. Preliminary appraisal on volcanic hazard in Costa Rica, America Central. Int Conf. Active Volcanoes and Risk Mitigation, Napoli, sept. 1991.
50 - Raïs, A., Surmont, J., Gillot, P-Y., Blanchard, E. and Laj, C., 1991. A volcanic record of the Blake event : preliminary results from Réunion Island (France). American Geophysical Union meeting, S Francisco, EOS.
51 - Manighetti, I., Tapponnier, P., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Vandamme, D. and Gillot, P-Y., 1991. Transfer of extension between overlapping Rifts in Afar by bookshelf Faulting. American Geophysical Union meeting, S Francisco, EOS.
52 - Gillot, P-Y., Lefèvre, J-C. et Nativel, P-E., [1992], Instabilité au flanc d'un volcan océanique: le Piton de la Fournaise (île de la Réunion). 14ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Toulouse.
53.-.Guillou H., Gillot P.Y. & Le Roy I. [1992].- Edification d'un volcan de Hot Spot: L'atoll de Fangataufa. - 14ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Toulouse.
54.-.Le Roy I., Gillot P.Y.& Guillou H. [1992].- Dynamique du volcanisme intraplaque: La Société ( Pacifique Sud).- 14ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Toulouse.
55 - Valet, J.P., Tric, E. and Gillot, P-Y., 1992. Absolute intensity of the earth magnetic field between 166,000 and 80,000 years BP : preliminary results. American Geophysical Union meeting, S Francisco, EOS.
56.-.Gillot P.Y, Le Roy I, Guillou H., Cheminee.J.L., & Hékinian R. (1993).- Argon dating of submarine lavas from the societe hot spot zone.-EUG VII, STRASBOURG, Terra abstracts, Abstracts supplement N°.1 to TERRA Nova, 5, p.546.
57.-.Guillou H, Gillot P.Y & Guille G. (1993).- The Pitcairn Gambier alignment: Discussion of a hot spot Model.-EUG VII, STRASBOURG, Terra abstracts, Abstracts supplement N°.1 to TERRA Nova, 5, p.545.
58 - Tric, E., Valet, J.P. and Gillot, P-Y., 1993. Magnetic mineralogy and absolute paleointensity from the Etna (Sicily) : preliminary results for the period 160,000 - 80,000 years BP.-EUG VII, STRASBOURG, Terra abstracts, Abstracts supplement N°.1 to TERRA Nova, 5, p.562.
59.-.Gillot P.Y., Guille G., Cornette Y., Gachon A. & Guillou H. [1993].- The situation of the atoll of Mururoa in the Pitcairn-Gambier alignment : Role of the transcurrent faulting. Int. Workshop on the Polynesian Plume Province, Tahiti, abstract volume.
60.-.Gillot P.Y., Tallandier J., Guillou H. & Le Roy I. [1993].- Temporal evolution of the volcanism of Tahiti island. 1) Geology and structural evolution. Int. Workshop on the Polynesian Plume Province, Tahiti, abstract volume.
Invited talk
61.-.Le Roy I., Turpin L., Guillou H., Chiesa S., Gillot P.Y & Guichard F. [1993].- Temporal evolution of the volcanism of Tahiti island. 2) Geochemistry and isotopic composition. Int. Workshop on the Polynesian Plume Province, Tahiti, abstract volume.
62.-.Le Roy Y., Cheminée J.L., Gillot P.Y., R. Hékinian & H. Guillou [1993].- The synchronicity of the volcanism in Tahiti and in the Society active zone : Volcanic budget. Int. Workshop on the Polynesian Plume Province, Tahiti, abstract volume.
63 - Caroff, M., Maury, R., Dupuy, C., Vidal, Ph., Guille, G., Cotten, J. and Gillot, P-Y., 1993. Petrology and geochemistry of a 800 m - deep hole drilled in the volcanic substratum of Eiao Island, Marquesas.Int. Workshop on the Polynesian Plume Province, Tahiti, abstract volume.
64 - Lefèvre, J-C. et Gillot, P-Y., 1993. Datation potassium-argon de tephra volcaniques du Pléistocène supérieur et de l'Holocène : exemple de la baie de Naples. Colloque Soc. Fr. Préhist., Lyon.
Invited talk
65 - De Chabelier, J.B., Avouac, J.P., Gillot, P-Y., Demange, J. and Ruegg, J.C., 1994, Kinematics of the Asal rift (Djibouti) determined from the deformation of Fieale volcano. AGU fall meeting , in EOS nov 1994, 297.
66 - Lefèvre, J.C. and Gillot, P-Y., 1995. A penta-collector gas mass-spectrometer for argon measurements. potassium-argon and argon-argon cross-checked data and proposal for new reference materials. EUG, Strasbourg, avril 1995, abstract in Terra Cognita.
67 - Kluska, J.M., Gillot, P-Y., Kieffer, G. and Nativel, P., 1995. Chemical evolution through time of the products of Piton des Neiges volcno (Reunion island) : evidence for two successive stages of differentiation ; accurate dating of a caldera collapse. EUG, Strasbourg, avril 1995, abstract in Terra Cognita.
68 - Chauvin, A., Gallet, Y., Vandamme, D. and Gillot, P-Y., 1995. Paleointensity and secular variation of the Earth'magnetic field recorded at the island of La Réunion. IUGG meeting, Colorado, juillet 1995.
69 - Kluska, J-M., Gillot, P-Y., Kieffer, G. and Nativel, P., 1996. La phase d'activité ignimbritique du volcan du Piton des Neiges : magmatologie, chronologie et implications volcano-structurales. 16° Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Orleans.
70 - Tesfaye, K., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Haile, T., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., 1996. Identification of the Réunion event in Ethiopian Afar. GP 22A8 fall Meeting AGU, EOS, 77, 46.
71 - Tesfaye, K., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Gillot, P-Y., Audin L., Coulaud, A., Scaillet, S. and Haile, T., 1997. Preliminary paleomagnetic results from central Afar. Int Symposium flood basalts, rifting and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa.
72 - Tesfaye, K., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Tigistu, H., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Identification of the Réunion event in Ethiopian Afar. Int Symposium flood basalts, rifting and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa.
73 - De Chabelier, J-B., Avouac, J.P., Ruegg, J.C., Gillot, P-Y. and Demange, J., 1997. 3-D reconstruction of Fieale volcano and its influence on the late Quaternary deformation of the Asal rift (Djibouti). Int Symposium flood basalts, rifting and paleoclimates in the Ethiopian rift and Afar depression, Addis Ababa.
74 - Kluska, J-M., Gillot, P-Y. and Nativel, P., 1997. The feldsparphyric lavas of the Piton des Neiges volcano : a marker for the variations in the magmatic dynamism. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :56.
75 - Gillot, P-Y. and Kieffer, G., 1997. Tectonic dynamism and uplifting rate estimate in NE Sicily from K-Ar dating of Mount Etna lavas. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :242.
76 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y., Grove, M., Harrison, T.M. and Deino, A., 1997. The White Trachytic Tuff sanidine : a potential age standard for 40Ar/39Ar dating of Pleistocene-Pliocene samples. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :69.
77 - Tesfaye, K., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Tigistu, H., Quidelleur, X. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Identification of the Réunion event in the Ethiopian Afar. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :312.
78 - Tesfaye, K., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I. Gillot, P-Y., Gallet, Y., Audin L., Tigistu, H. and Scaillet, S., 1997. Block rotations and rift propagation in Afar. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :389.
79 - Deconinck, J.F., Gillot, P-Y., Steinberg, M. and Strasser, A., 1997. K/Ar dating of syn-sedimentary illitic mineral from Purbeckian sediments of the Jura mountains. EUG 9, Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9 :572.
80 - Quidelleur X. and P.Y. Gillot, 1997. K/Ar age determinations of excursional directions from a lava sequence of La Palma, Canary Islands. IAGA 8th Uppsala, p:45.
81 - Carlut J., J.P. Valet, Y. Gallet, T. Kidane, V. Courtillot, X. Quidelleur and P.Y. Gillot, 1997. Preliminary paleointensity results during the Reunion event. IAGA 8th Uppsala, p:45.
82 - Kluska, J.M., Gillot, P-Y. and Nativel, P., 1997. Chemical-time evolution of the Piton des Neiges Volcano (Reunion island, Indian Ocean) : differentiation rate and evidence for two superimposed magma chambers. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:828.
83 - Lefevre, J.C., Gillot, P-Y., Quidelleur, X. and Scaillet, S, 1997. K-Ar dating of Holocene volcanics : experimentation on historical lava and pyroclastic flows. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:771.
84 - Gillot, P-Y., Quidelleur, X., Grove, M., Harrison, T.M. and Deino, A., 1997. The White Trachytic Tuff sanidine : a potential age standard for Ar 40/Ar 39 dating of Pleistocen-Pliocene samples. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:760.
85 - Tesfaye, K., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Gillot, P-Y., Quidelleur, X., Gallet, Y., Scaillet, S., Audin, L. and Haile, T., 1997. Paleomagnetic mapping, block rotation and dating of the stratoid formation in central Afar (Ethiopia). AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:646.
86 - Chabelier, J.B. de, Ruegg, J.C., Avouac, J.P., Mariotti, C., Gillot, P-Y. and Demange, J., 1997. 3-D reconstruction of Fieale volcano and its influence on the Late Quaternary deformation of the Asal rift (Djibouti). AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:633.
87 - Courtillot, V., Carlut, J., Valet, J.P., Quidelleur, X., Kidane, T., Gallet, Y. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Paleointensity results during the Reunion Event. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:185.
88 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y. and Carlut, J., 1997. Link between excursions and paleointensity inferred from abnormal field directions recorded at la Palma around 600 ka. AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, 78, 46:181.
89 - Lahitte, P., Gillot, P-Y. and Manighetti, I., 1998. Geochronology of the volcanism associated with the active rift segments in the Afar depression. AGU spring meeting, Boston, EOS trans AGU 79 (17), S377.
90 - Carlut, J., X. Quidelleur et G. Boudon, 1998. Characteristics of the Geomagnetic Field Recorded at La Guadeloupe Island (F.W.I.) During the 0-1Ma Interval. Study of the Earth Deep Interior, Tours (France).
91 - Lahitte, P., Kidane, T., Gillot, P-Y. and Courtillot, V., 1999. Evolution in space and time of Afar depression volcanism in the last 3 Ma. EUG 10, Strasbourg, Terra Nova 4, 344.
92 - Lahitte, P. and Gillot, P-Y., 1999. Relationship between silicic volcanoes and active rifts : example from Manda Inakir. EUG 10, Strasbourg, Terra Nova 4, 348.
93 - Coulié, E., Audin, L., Gillot, P-Y., Lefèvre, J.C. and Quidelleur, X., 1999. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar cross-checked dating of rhyolites from the Ali Sabieh block (Djibouti) : the earlier opening stage in southern Afar. EUG 10, Strasbourg, Terra Nova 4, 810.
94 - Gillot, P-Y., 2000. The Upper Pleistocene Italian volcanism : geodynamical implications. Conférence invitée au meeting de Peruggia sur la structure des Apennins. Février 2000.
invited talk
95 - Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hoyos, M., Hilaire-Marcel, C., Gonzlez, A., Ghaleb, B., Soler, V., Dabrio, C.J. et Gillot, P-Y., 2000. Raised marine terraces recording oceanic warm conditions and uplifting trend during Pliocene and Quaternary (Eastern Canary Islands, Spain). XV International congress INQUA, Durban, South Africa, Quat. Int., 63/64 : 168.
96 - Lahitte, P., Gillot, P-Y.,Tesfaye K. et Bekele A., 2000. Le volcanisme Plio-Quaternaire lié aux mécanismes d'ouverture de la dépression Afar. 18° RST, Paris.
97 - Coulié E., Quidelleur X., Lefèvre J-C. et Gillot P-Y., 2000. Durée de mise en place des traps associés au point chaud AFAR : étude comparative des coupes des hauts plateaux Ethiopien et Yemenite par les méthodes 40Ar/39Ar et K/Ar. 18° RST, Paris.
98 - Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hilaire-Marcel, C., Gonzalez-Delgado A., Dabrio C.J., Soler, V., Bardaji T., Gillot, P-Y., Silva P.J., Gonzalez-Hernandez F. et Lario J., 2000. Raised marine terraces as proxies for sea-level changes and sea-surface conditions (Atlantic-Mediterranean, Spain). « Coastal interactions during sea-level highstands » Patagonia 2000 International Conference, Argentina, E.J. Snack and C.V. Murray-Wallace Editors, abstract volume : 87-89.
99 -Quidelleur, X. and P.Y. Gillot, 2000. Evidence for a new geomagnetic excursion recorded prior to the M-B transition at La Palma, Spain. AGU Fall meeting, EOS.
100 - Coulié, E., X. Quidelleur, P.Y. Gillot, J.C. Lefèvre and S. Chiesa, 2000. Combined 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar dating of Ethiopian and Yemenit Traps volcanism. AGU Fall meeting, EOS
101 - Gillot P-Y. and Hidenbrand A., 2000. K-Ar dating the ocean floor : examples from Pacific Ocean MORB and OIB. AGU Fall meeting, EOS.
invited talk
102 - Filoche G., Gillot P-Y., Quidelleur, X., 2000. Fast geochimical evolution of Stromboli Island, Southern Italy. AGU Fall meeting, EOS.
103 - A.Bonneville, R. Le Suavé, L. Audin, V. Clouard, L. Dosso, P.Y. Gillot, A. Hildenbrand, P. Janey and K. Jordhal, 2000. Tino Mana, the Missing hot Spot Found in the Austral Islands. AGU Fall meeting, EOS.
104 - Gillot, P-Y., Quidelleur, X, Lefèvre, J-C., Lahitte, P. and Pinti, D., 2001. Calibration against atmospheric argon of some datingstandards for young argon-argon dating. European Geophysical Society meeting, Nice,
invited talk.
105 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot P-Y ., Lefèvre, J-C. and Soler, V., 2001. Last millenium K/Ar dating and the hypothesis of purely atmospheric contamination. European Geophysical Society meeting, Nice.