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- Germa, A., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.Y., Tchilingurian, P., 2010. Evolution of the back-arc volcanic complex of Payun Matru (Argentina) and its geodynamic implication for magma genesis in a complex slab geometry setting. J. Souh Am. Earth Sci., 29 : 717-730.
- Quidelleur X., Carlut J., Tchilingurian P., Germa A., Gillot P.Y., 2009. Paleomagnetic directions from mid-latitude sites in the southern hemisphere (Argentina): Contribution to Time Averaged Field models. Phys. Earth. Planet Int., 172 : 199-209.
Reconstruction de l'histoire éruptive du Payun-Matru

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Nouveaux âges K-Ar du Cerro Nevado
