188 – Hevia-Cruz, F., Hildenbrand, A., Sheldon, N.D., Hren, M.T., Zanon, V., Marques, F.O., Carlut, J., Chabaux, F., Haurine, F., 2023. Weathering pulses during glacial-interglacial transitions: insights from well-dated paleosols in the Azores volcanic province (Central North Atlantic). Quaternary Science Reviews 324, 108438. 177 – Karátson, D., Biró, T., Portnyagin, M., Kiss, B., Paquette, J. L., Cseri, Z. , Hencz, M., Németh, K., Lahitte, P., Márton, E., Kordos, L., Józsa, S., Hably, L., Müller, S., Szarvas, I., 2022. Large-magnitude (VEI≥ 7) ‘wet’ explosive silicic eruption preserved a Lower Miocene habitat at the Ipolytarnóc Fossil Site, North Hungary. 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Eruptive History of the Karoo lava flows and their impact on early Jurassic environmental change. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JB013354. 137 – Lefèvre J-C., Gillot P-Y., Cardellini C., Gresse M., Lesage L., Chiodini G. and Oberlin C. , 2017. Use of the radiocarbon activity deficit in the vegetation as a sensor of CO2 soil degasing : example from La Solfatara (Napoli, South Italy). Radiocarbon, doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2017.76. 134 – Sagna I., Quidelleur X., NDiaye F., Gillot P.Y., Lefèvre J.C., Dioh E., 2017. K–Ar mineral ages and thermal history of magmatic and metamorphic Paleoproterozoic units from the northern part of Kedougou inlier, West African Craton (eastern Senegal). Geological Journal, 52, 207-216. DOI: 10.1002/gj.2749. 136 – Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Zanon, V. and Boulesteix, T., 2016. Comment on “The insular shelves of the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores archipelago): A morphological record of its evolution” by Quartau et al. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17 (2), 625-632. 135 - Pallares C., Quidelleur X., Tchilinguirian P. and Gillot P.Y., 2016. The temporal evolution of back-arc magmas from the Payenia Volcanic Province (Argentina) since 2 Ma based on new K-Ar ages and geochemical data from the Auca Mahuida shield volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 323, 19-37. 131 - Sibrant, A.L.R., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Boulesteix, T., Costa, A.C.G., 2016. Deformation in a hyperslow oceanic rift: insights from the tectonics of the Sao Miguel Island (Terceira Rift, Azores). Tectonics, 35, 425-446. 129 – Stab M., Bellahsen N., Pik R., Quidelleur X., Ayalew D., Leroy S., 2016. Mode of rifting in magma-rich settings: Tectono-magmatic evolution of Central Afar. Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2015TC003893. 133 – Pinti, D., Ghaleb, B., Samper A., Gillot, P.Y., 2015. Non-destructive potassium measurement in minerals by gamma-ray spectrometry: toward an enhanced K-Ar dating method. Sous presse à Geochemical Journal. 132 - Sibrant, A.L.R., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., 2015. Reply to the comment by Quartau et al. on “Construction and destruction of a volcanic island developed inside an oceanic rift: Graciosa Island, Terceira Rift, Azores”, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 284, 32–45, by Sibrant et al.(2014). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 303, 193-198.. 130 - Ricci J., Quidelleur X. and Lahitte P., 2015. Volcanic evolution of central Basse-Terre Island revisited based on new geochronology, geochemistry and geomorphology data. Bull. Volcanol., 77-84. 128 - Costa, A.C.G., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Sibrant, A.L.R., Santos de Campos, A., 2015. Catastrophic flank collapses and slumping in Pico Island during the last 130 kyr (Pico-Faial ridge, Azores Triple Junction). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 302, 33-46. 127 - Marques, F.O., Catalão, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., 2015. Ground motion and tectonics in the Terceira Island: Tectonomagmatic interactions in an oceanic rift (Terceira Rift, Azores Triple Junction). Tectonophysics, 651-652, 19-34. 126 - Pallares C., Fabre D., Thouret J.C., Bacconnet C., Charca-Chura J.A., Martelli K., Talon A., Yanqui-Murillo C., 2015. Geological and geotechnical characteristics of recent lahar deposits from El Misti volcano in the city area of Arequipa, south Peru. Geotech. Geol. Eng., 33: 641–660. 124 - Sibrant, A., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Weiss, B., Boulesteix, T., Hubscher, C., Ludmann, T., Costa, A.C.G., Catalão, J.C., 2015b. Morpho-structural evolution of a volcanic island developed inside an active oceanic rift: S. Miguel Island (Terceira Rift, Azores). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 301, 90-106. 123 - Dessert C., Lajeunesse E., Lloret E., Clergue C., Crispi O., Gorge C., Quidelleur X., 2015. Controls on chemical weathering intensity on a mountainous volcanic tropical island: Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 171, 216-237. 122 - Germa A., Lahitte P., Quidelleur X., 2015. Geomorphological evolution of Mont Pelée volcano: volumetric calculations and implication for construction rates. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 120, 1206-1226. 121 - Sibrant, A.L.R., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Costa, A.C.G., 2015a. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the Santa Maria Island (Azores): implications for palaeostress evolution at the western Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 291, 49-62. 116 - Ricci J., Lahitte P. and Quidelleur X., 2015. Construction and destruction rates of volcanoes within a tropical environment based on K-Ar dating and numerical reconstructions: examples from the Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). Geomorphology 228, 597-607. 125 - Al Kwatli, M.A., Gillot, P.Y., Lefèvre, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., 2014. Morpho-structural analysis of Harrat Al Sham volcanic field Arabian plate (Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia): Methodology and application. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-014-1731-1. 120 - Hildenbrand, A., Weis, D., Madureira, P., Marques, F.O., 2014. Recent plate re-organization at the Azores Triple Junction: evidence from combined geochemical and geochronological data on Faial, S. Jorge and Terceira volcanic islands. Lithos, 210-211, 27-39. 119 – Sibrant, A.L.R., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., 2014. Construction and destruction of a volcanic island developed inside an oceanic rift: Graciosa island, Terceira Rift, Azores. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 284, 32-45. 118 – Zami F., Quidelleur X. , Ricci J., Lebrun J.F. and Samper A., 2014. Initial sub-aerial volcanic activity along the central Lesser Antilles inner arc: New K-Ar ages from Les Saintes volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 287, 12-21. 117 – Marques, F.O., Catalao, J., Hildenbrand, A., Costa, A.C.G., Dias, N.A., 2014b. The 1998 Faial earthquake, Azores: evidence for a transform fault associated with the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary? Tectonophysics 633, 115-125. 115 - Alvarado A., Audin L., Lagreulet S., Nocquet JM., Segovia M., Font Y., Lamarque G., Yepes H., Mothes P., Rolandone F., Jarrin P. and Quidelleur X., 2013. Active tectonics in Quito, Ecuador, assessed by geomorphological studies, GPS data, and crustal seismicity. Tectonics, 33, 67-83. 114 - Costa, A.C.G., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Sibrant, A.L.R., Catita, C.M.S., 2014. Large-scale catastrophic flank collapses in a steep volcanic ridge: the Pico-Faial Ridge, Azores Triple Junction. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 272, 111-125. 110 - Al Kwatli, M.A., Gillot, P.Y., Lefèvre, J.C., Hildenbrand, A., Kluska, J.M., 2014. Magma genesis controlled by tectonic styles in the northern part of the Arabia plate during the Cenozoic. Special publication of the Geological Society of London, 392, 61-91. 112 - Métrich, N., Zanon, V., Créon, L., Hildenbrand, A., Moreira, M., Marques, F.O., 2014. Is the "Azores hotspot" a wetspot? Insights from the geochemistry of fluid and melt inclusions in olivine of Pico basalts. Journal of Petrology, 55, 377-393. 113 - Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Catal‹o, J., Catita, C.M.S., Costa, A.C.G., 2013. Reply to the Comment by Mitchell et al. (2013) on Large-scale active slump of the southeastern flank of Pico Island, Azores. Geology, 41 (12), 302-302. 111 - Marques, F.O., Catal‹o, J.C., DeMets, C., Costa, A.C.G., Hildenbrand, A., 2013. GPS and tectonic evidence for a diffuse plate boundary at the Azores Triple Junction. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 381, 177-187. 109 - Ricci J., Quidelleur X., Pavlov V., Orlov S., Shatsillo A. and Courtillot V., 2013. New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar ages of the Viluy traps (Eastern Siberia): Further evidence for a relationship with the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, 531-540. 108 - G. Jouannic, P.Y. Gillot, J.-P. Goiran, J.C. Lefèvre, G. Siani, F. Salomon, 2013. Tephrochronological study in the Maccarese lagoon (near Rome, Italy): Identification of Holocene tephra layers, Quaternaire, 24, 65-74. 107 - Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Costa, A.C.G., Sibrant, A.L.R., Silva, P.M.F., Henry, B., Miranda, J.M., and P. Madureira, 2013. Reply to the comment by Quartau and Mitchell on "Reconstructing the architectural evolution of volcanic islands from combined K/Ar, morphologic, tectonic, and magnetic data: The Faial Island example (Azores)", J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 241-242, 39-48, by Hildenbrand et al. (2012). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 255, 127-130. 106 - Boulesteix, T., Hildenbrand, A., Soler, V., Quidelleur X. and Gillot, P.-Y., 2013. Coeval giant landslides in the Canary Islands: Implications for global, regional and local triggers of giant flank collapses on oceanic volcanoes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 257, 90-98. 105 - B. Antolin, E. Schill, D. Grujic, S. Baule, X. Quidelleur, E. Appel, M. Waldhšr, 2012. E-W extension and block rotation of the southeastern Tibet: Unravelling late deformation stages in the eastern Himalayas (NW Bhutan) by means of pyrrhotite remanences. Journal of Structural Geology, 53, 2441-2464. 104 - Labanieh S., Chauvel C., Germa A., Quidelleur X., 2012. Martinique: a clear case for sediment melting and slab dehydration as a function of distance to the trench. J. Petrology, 53, 2441-2464. 103 - Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Fernandes, J.C.C.C., Catita, C.M.S, and A.C.G Costa., 2012. Active large sector collapse of the SE flank of Pico Island (Azores). Geology, 40, 939-942.. 102 - A. Hildenbrand, F.O. Marques, A.C.G. Costa, A.L.R. Sibrant, P.F. Silva, B. Henry, J.M. Miranda, P. Madureira, 2012. Reconstructing the architectural evolution of volcanic islands from combined K/Ar, morphologic, tectonic, and magnetic data: the Faial Island example (Azores). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 241-242, 39-48. 101 - Silva, P.F., Henry, B., Marques, F.O., Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., Mériaux, C. A., & Kratinova, Z., 2012. Palaeomagnetic study of a sub_aerial volcanic ridge (Sao Jorge Island, Azores) for the past 1.3 Myr: evidences for the Cobb Mountain Subchron, volcano flank instability and tectono_magmatic implications. Geophys. J. Int., 188, 958-978. 100 - Al Kwatli, M.A., Gillot, P.Y., Zeyen, H., Hildenbrand, A., and Al Gharib, I., 2012. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the northern part of the Arabian plate in the light of new K-Ar ages and remote sensing: Harrat Ash Shaam volcanic province (Syria). Tectonophysics, 580, 192-207. 99 - Boulesteix, T., Hildenbrand, A., Soler, V. and Gillot, P.-Y. 2012. Eruptive response of oceanic islands to giant landslides: new insights from the geomorphologic evolution of the Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex (Tenerife, Canary). Geomorphology, 138, 61-73. 97 - Gertisser R., Charbonnier S., Keller, J., Quidelleur X., 2012. The geological evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Bull. Volcanol., 74, 1213-1233. 95 - Al Kwatli M.A., Gillot P.Y., Al Gharib I., Lefèvre J.C., 2012. Integration of K-Ar geochronology and remote sensing: Mapping volcanic rocks and constraining the timing of alteration processes (The Al-Lajat Plateau, Syria). Quaternary International, 251, 22-30. 94 - Salvany T., Lahitte, P., Nativel and P. Gillot, P.-Y, 2012. Geomorphic evolution of the Piton des Neiges volcano (Reunion island, Indian Ocean) : competition between volcanic construction and erosion since 1.4 Ma. Geomorphology, 136, 132-147. 90 - Lahitte, P., Samper, A. and Quidelleur X, 2012. DEM-based reconstruction of Southern Basse Terre volcanoes (Guadeloupe archipelago, FWI): a contribution to the Lesser Antilles Arc volumetric extrusion and erosion rates. Geomorphology, 136, 148-164. |
98 - Germa A., Quidelleur X., Labanieh S., Chauvel C., Lahitte, P., 2011. The volcanic evolution of Martinique Island: insights for the Lesser Antilles arc migration since the Oligocene. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 208, 122-135. 96 - Moulin M., Fluteau F., Courtillot V., Marsh J., Delpech G., Quidelleur X., Gérard, M. and Jay A., 2011. An attempt to constrain the age, duration and eruptive history of the Karoo flood basalt: the Naude's Nek Section (South Africa). J. Geophys. Res., 116, B07403.. 93 - Quidelleur X., Paquette J.L., Fiet N., Takashima R., Tiepolo M., Desmares D., Nishi H. and Grosheny D., 2011. New U-Pb (ID-TIMS and LA-ICPMS) and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints of the Cretaceous geologic time scale calibration from Hokkaido (Japan). Chem. Geol., 286, 72-83. 92 - Germa A., Quidelleur X., Lahitte P., Labanieh S, and Chauvel C, 2011. The K-Ar Cassignol-Gillot technique applied to western Martinique lavas: A record of the evolution of the recent Lesser Antilles island arc activity from 2 Ma to Mount Pelé volcanism, Quaternary Geochronology, 6, 341-355. |
91 - Courtillot, V., Kravchinsky V.A., Quidelleur, X. Renne, P. and D.P. Gladkochub, 2010. Attempting to date the Viluy magmatic samples: on eruption of the Viluy Traps at the Frasnian-Fammenian boundary? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 300, 239-245. 89 - Germa A., Quidelleur X , Labanieh S, Lahitte P. and Chauvel C, 2010. The eruptive history of Morne Jacob volcano (Martinique Island, French West Indies): geochronology, geomorphology and geochemistry of the earliest volcanism in the recent Lesser Antilles arc. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 198, 297-310. 88 - Labanieh S., Chauvel C., Germa A., Quidelleur, X., and Lewin E., 2010. Isotopic hyperbolas constrain sources and processes under the Lesser Antilles arc. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 298, 35-46. 87 - Gomez, C., Janin, M., Lavigne, F., Gertisser, R., Charbonnier, S., Lahitte, P., Hadmoko, S.R., Fort, M., Wassmer, P., Degroot, V., Murwanto, H., 2010. Borobudur, a basin under volcanic influence: 361,000 years BP to present, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 196, 245-264. 86 - Quidelleur, X., Holt, J.W., Salvany, T. and Bouquerel H., 2010. New K-Ar ages from La Montagne massif, Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) supporting two geomagnetic events in the time period 2.2 2.0 Ma. Geophys. J. Int., 182 : 699-710. 83 - Germa, A., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.Y., Tchilingurian, P., 2010. Evolution of the back-arc volcanic complex of Payun Matru (Argentina) and its geodynamic implication for magma genesis in a complex slab geometry setting. J. Souh Am. Earth Sci., 29 : 717-730. |
85 Grégoire, M., Langlade, J.A., Delpech, G., Dantas, C. and Ceuleneer, G., 2010. Nature and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the passive margin of East Oman: evidence from mantle xenoliths sampled by Cenozoic alkaline lavas. Lithos, 112: 203-216. 82 - Samper, A., Quidelleur X, Komorowski, J.C., Lahitte, P., Boudon, G. K-Ar constraints on the volcanic evolution of the Southern Basse Terre Area during the last 300 kyr. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 187 : 117-130. 81 - Chenet A.L., Courtillot, V., Fluteau, F., Gérard, M., Quidelleur, X., Khadri, S.F.R., Subbarao, K., Thordarson, T., 2009. Determination of rapid Deccan eruptions across the KTB using paleomagnetic secular variation: (II) Constraints from analysis of 8 new sections and synthesis for a 3500m-thick composite section, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B06103. 79 - Roulleau E., Pinti D.L., Rouchon V., Quidelleur X. and P.Y. Gillot, 2009. Deciphering volcanic sources of distal tephra recovered at the Piànico Fm., Southern Alps using radiogenic isotopes and trace elements, Quat. Int., 204 : 31-43. 78 - Lénat, J.F., Boivin, P., Deniel, C. , Gillot, P.Y., Bachèlery, P. and Fournaise 2 Team, 2009. Age and nature of deposits on the submarine flanks of Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion Island), J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184 : 199-207. 74 - Quidelleur X., Carlut J., Tchilingurian P., Germa A., Gillot P.Y., 2009. Paleomagnetic directions from mid-latitude sites in the southern hemisphere (Argentina): Contribution to Time Averaged Field models. Phys. Earth. Planet Int., 172 : 199-209. |
80 - Bosch D., J. Blichert-Toft, F. Moynier, B. K. Nelson, P. Telouk, P.-Y. Gillot, F. Albarède, 2008. Pb, Hf and Nd isotope compositions of the two Réunion volcanoes (Indian Ocean): A tale of two small-scale mantle blobs? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 273: 289-298. 77 - Hildenbrand, A., Madureira, P., Ornelas Marques, F., Cruz, I., Henry, B., and P. Silva, 2008. Multi-stage evolution of a sub-aerial volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr: S. Jorge Island, Azores Triple Junction. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 273: 289-298. 76 Samper, A., Quidelleur X, Boudon, G., Le Friant, A., Komorowski, J.C., 2008. Radiometric dating of three large volume flank collapses in the Lesser Antilles arc. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 176: 485-492. 73 - Bascou, J., Delpech, G., Vauchez, A., Cottin, J.Y., Moine, B er Barruol, G., 2008. Relationships between microstructure - geochemistry and seismic properties in the lithospheric mantle above the Kerguelen plume (Indien Ocean). Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 9, Q04036. 72 - Simon, N.S.C, Neumann, E-R, Bonadiman, C., Coltorti, M., Delpech, G., Grégoire, M. and Widom, E, 2008. Ultra-depleted domains in the oceanic mantle lithosphere: evidence from major element and modal relationships in mantle xenoliths from ocean islands. J. Petrol., 49: 1223-1251. 71 - Rouchon, V., Gillot, P.Y., Quidelleur, X., Chiesa, S., Floris, B., 2008. Temporal Evolution of the Roccamonfina volcanic complex (Plesitocene), Central Italy. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 177 : 500-514. 70 - Rouchon, V., Lefèvre, J.C., Quidelleur, X., Guérin, G. and Gillot, P.Y., 2008. Nonspiked 40Ar and 36Ar quantification using a Quadrupole Mass-Spectrometer and its potential for K-Ar geochronology, Int. J.Mass Spectrometry, 270: 52-61. 69 - Hankard, F., J.-P. Cogné, F. Lagroix, X. Quidelleur, V. A. Kravchinsky, A. Bayasgalan and P. Lkhagvadorj, 2008. Palaeomagnetic results from Palaeocene basalts from Mongolia reveal no inclination shallowing at 60 Ma in Central Asia, Geophys. J . Int., 172: 87-102. 67 Quidelleur, X., Hildenbrand, A., Samper, A., 2008. Link between paleoclimatic changes and oceanic islands evolution. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35: L02303. 66 Ismail., M., Delpech, G., Cottin, J.Y, Grégoire, M., Moine, B.N. and Bilal, A., 2008. Petrological and geochemical constraints on the composition beneath the Syrian rift. Geological Society of London, 293 : 223-251. 58 Hildenbrand, A., Gillot, P.Y. and Marlin, C., 2008. Geomorphological study of long-term erosion on a tropical volcanic ocean island: Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia), Geomorphology, 93 (3-4): 460-481. |
84 - Cadoux A., J. Blichert-Toft, D.L. Pinti and F. Albarède, 2007. A unique lower mantle source for Southern Italy volcanics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 259 : 227-238. 68 Guérin, G., A. Samper, 2007. Aberrant thermoluminescence dates obtained from primary volcanic quartz. Radiation Measurements, 42 (9): 1453-1459. 65 Chenet, A.L., Quidelleur, X., Fluteau, F., Courtillot, V., Bajpai, S.. 2007. K-Ar dating of the Main Deccan large igneous province: further evidence of KTB age and short duration. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 263: 1-15. 64 D.L. Pinti, V. Rouchon, X. Quidelleur, P.Y. Gillot, S. Chiesa, C. Ravazzi , 2007. Comment to: Tephrochronological dating of varved interglacial lake deposits from Piànico-Sèllere (Southern Alps, Italy) to around 400 ka by Achim Brauer, Sabine Wulf, Clara Mangili, Andrea Moscariello J. Quat. Sci., 22: 85-96. 63 Samper, A., Quidelleur X, Lahitte, P. and Mollex, D., 2007. Timing of effusive volcanism whithin the whole Basse Terre Island (Guadeloupe, F.W.I.) from new K-Ar Cassignol-Gillot Ages. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 258: 175-191. 62 Guérin, G. and Gillot, P.-Y., 2007. Nouveaux éléments de chronologie du volcanisme Pléistocène du Bas-Vivarais (Ardèche, France) par thermoluminescence. C.R. Geosciences, 339: 40-49. 61 Hankard, F., J.P. Cogné, X. Quidelleur, P. Lkhagvadorj, A. Bayasgalan and V.A. Kravchinsky, 2007. Paleomagnetism and K-Ar dating of Cretaceous basalts from Mongolia. Geophys. J. Int., 169: 898-908. 54 Plenier, G., Valet, G. Guérin, J-C Lefèvre, B. Carter-Stiglitz, 2007. Origin and age of the directions recorded during the Laschamp event in the Chaîne des Puys (France), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 259: 414-431. |
75 - Gillot, P.Y., Hildenbrand, A., Lefèvre, J.C., and C. Albore-Livadie, 2006. The K/Ar dating method : principle, analytical techniques, and application to Holocene volcanic eruptions in Southern Italy. Acta Vulcanologica, 18 : 55-66. 60 - Fiet N., Quidelleur X., Parize, O., L.G. Bulot and Gillot P.Y., 2006 Lower Cretaceous stage durations combining radiometric data and orbital chronology : Towards a more stable relative time scale? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 246 : 407-417. 59 - Guérin, G., 2006. Some aspects of phenomenology and kinetics of high temperature thermoluminescence of plagioclase feldspars, Radiation Measurements, 41 : 936-941. 57 Visocekas, R., G. Guérin, 2006. TL dating of feldspars using their far-red emission to deal with anomalous fading, Radiation Measurements, 41: 942-947. 53 Hildenbrand, A., P.-Y. Gillot, and A. Bonneville, 2006. Off shore evidence for a huge landslide of the northern flank of Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia), Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 7, Q03006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001003. 55 Bonneville, A., Dosso, L. and A. Hildenbrand, 2006. Temporal evolution of the South-Pacific superplume activity : new data from Cook-Austral volcanic Chain, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 244: 251-269. 46 Hildenbrand, A. and Gillot, P.-Y., 2006. Evidence for a differentiated ignimbritic activity ending the building stage of Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia). C.R. Geosciences, 338: 280-287. |
56 - Blard, P.H., J. Lavé, R. Pik, X. Quidelleur, D. Bourlès, G. Kieffer, 2005. Fossil cosmogenic 3He record from K-Ar dated basaltic flows on Etna volcano (38°N): Evaluation of a new paleoaltimeter, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 236, 613-631. 52 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.-Y., Filoche, G. and Lefèvre, J.-C., 2005. Fast geochemical changes and rapid lava accumulation at Stromboli Island (Italy) inferred from K-Ar dating and paleomagnetic variations at 60 and 40 ka. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 141: 177-193. 49 Cadoux, A. , Pinti, D.L., Aznar, C., Chiesa, S., et Gillot, P. Y., 2005. New chronological and geochemical constraints on the genesis and geological evolution of Ponza and Palmarola Volcanic Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Lithos, 81:121-151. 48 Hildenbrand, A., Marlin, C., Conroy, A. and Gillot, P.-Y., 2005. Stable isotopic approach of rainfall and underground circulations in the volcanic structure of Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia). J. Hydrol., 302 : 187-208. |
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42 - Pinti, D.L. Matsumoto, T., Matsuda, J., Zong Fang (2003). Noble gas distribution in Chinese tektites: implications for the neon solubility in natural glasses. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 41 - Hildenbrand, A., P.-Y. Gillot, V. Soler and P. Lahitte, 2003. Evidence for a persistent uplifting of La Palma (Canary Islands), inferred from morphological and radiometric data. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 210, 277-289. 40 - Quidelleur, X., Carlut, J., Soler, V, J.-P., Valet and Gillot, P.-Y., 2003. The age and duration of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition from new K-Ar data from La Palma (Canary Islands) and revisited 40Ar/39Ar ages. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 208, 149-163. 39 - Pinti, D.L., 2003. La formation des océans. Dans « Les traces du vivant et lorigine de la vie » (Gargaud, M., Despois, D. et Parisot, J.-P.), Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. Sous presse. 38 - Clouard V., Bonneville A. and Gillot P.Y., 2003. Lithospheric control on the Tarava hotspot track, in the South Pacific Superswell area. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 207: 117-130. 37 - Pinti, D.L., Quidelleur, X., Lahitte, P., Aznar, C., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P.Y., 2003. The Piànico tephra: an early-Middle Pleistocene record of intraplate volcanism in the Mediterranean. Terra Nova, 15 : 176-186. 36 - Coulié, E., Quidelleur, X., Gillot P.Y., Courtillot V., Lefèvre, J.C. and S. Chiesa, 2003. Comparative K-Ar and Ar/Ar dating of Ethiopian and Yemenite Oligocene volcanism : Implications for timing and duration of the Ethiopian Traps. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 206 : 477-492. 34 - P. Lahitte, P.-Y. Gillot, V. Courtillot, 2003, Large silicic central volcanoes as precursors to rift propagation: the Afar case. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 207: 103-116. 32 - P. Lahitte, P.-Y. Gillot, T. Kidane, V. Courtillot and A. Bekele, 2003, New age constraints on the timing of volcanism in central Afar, in the presence of propagating rifts. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B2). 30 - Tesfaye, K., Courtillot, V., Manighetti, I., Audin, L., Lahitte, P., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y., Gallet, Y., Carlut, J. and T. Haile., 2002. New paleomagnetic and geochronological results from Ethiopian Afar: Block rotations linked to overlap and propagation, and determination of a 2 Ma reference pole for stable Africa. J. Geophys. Res.,108, Art. No. 2102. |
35 A. Bonneville, R. Le Suavé, L. Audin, V. Clouard, L. Dosso, P.-Y. Gillot, P. Janney, K. Jordahl and K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2002. Arago Seamount, The missing hotspot found in the Austral Islands, Geology: 1023-1026. 33 - Quidelleur X., J. Carlut, P.-Y. Gillot and V. Soler, 2002. Evolution of the geomagnetic field prior to the Matuyama-Brunhes transition: Identification of a 820 ka old excursion at La Palma. Geophys. J. Int., 151: F6-F10. 31 - Pinti, D.L. et Marty, B. La mer est tombée du ciel. La Recherche, Juillet 2002, 14-17. 29 - Matsumoto, T., Pinti, D.L., Matsuda, J. et Umino, S., 2002. Recycled noble gas and nitrogen in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle : implications from N-He-Ar in fluid inclusions of SE Australian xenoliths. Geochem. J. 36, 209-217. 28 Zazo, C., J.L. Goy, C. Hillaire-Marcel, P.-Y. Gillot, V. Soler, J.A. Gonzalez, C. J. Dabrio and B. Ghaleb, 2002. Raised marine séquences of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura revisited - A reappraisal of relative sea-level changes and vertical mouvements in the Eastern Canary Islands during the Quaternary. Quaternary Sci. Rev., 21: 2019-2046. 27 - Gillot, P-Y. et JC. Lefèvre, 2002. La datation potassium-argon : extension du champ de la méthode au Pleistocène et à lHolocène ; comparaison des techniques danalyse K-Ar et Ar-Ar, 1155-1172. Dans Géologie de la préhistoire : méthodes, techniques, applications , J.C. Miskovsky ed., GEOPRE pub., Paris, 1520 pp.. |
26 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.Y., Soler, V. and J.C. Levèvre, 2001. K/Ar dating extended into the last millennium: Application to the the youngest effusive episode of the Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain). Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3067-3070. 25 - Pinti, D.L., Matsuda, J. et Maruyama, S., 2001. Anomalous xenon in Archean cherts from Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Chem Geol, 175, 387-395. 24 - Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K. et Matsuda, J., 2001. Nitrogen and argon signature in 3.8-2.8 Ga metasediments: clues on the chemical state of the Archean ocean and the deep biosphere. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 65, 2129-2143. 23 - Pinti, D.L. et Hashizume, K., 2001. 15N-depleted nitrogen in early Archean kerogens: clues on ancient marine chemosynthetic-based ecosystems? Precambrian Res., 105, 85-88. 22 - Pinti, D.L., 2001. The isotopic record of Archean nitrogen and the evolution of the early Earth. Trends in Geochemistry, 2, 1-17. 21 - Pinti, D., Quidelleur, X., S. Chiesa, C. Ravazzi, P.-Y. Gillot, 2001. K-Ar dating of an early Middle Pleistocene distal tephra in the interglacial varved succession of Pianico-Sellere (Southern Alps, Italy) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 188, 1-7. 20 - Clouard V., Bonneville A. and Gillot P-Y., 2001.A giant landslide on the southern flank of Tahiti Island, French Polynesia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2253-2256. 19 - Lahitte P., Coulié E., Mercier N., Tesfaye K. et Gillot P.-Y., 2001. Chronologie K-Ar et TL du volcanisme aux extrémités sud du propagateur Mer Rouge en Afar depuis 300 ka. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 332, 13-20. 18 - Deconninck, J.F., Gillot, P.-Y., Steinberg, M. et Strasser, A., 2001. Syn-depositional, low temperature illite formation at the jurassic-cretaceous boundary (Purbeckian) in the Jura mountains (Switzerland and France) : K/Ar and d18O evidence. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 172, 343-348. |
17 - Pinti, D.L. & Marty, B., 2000. Noble gases in oil and gas fields : origins and processes, in: Fluids and basin evolution, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Series Volume 28, K. Kyser (ed.), 160-196. 16 - Carlut, J., and Quidelleur, X., 2000. Absolute Paleointensities recorded during the Brunhes chron at La Guadeloupe Island. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 120, 255-269. 15 - Carlut, J., Quidelleur, X., Courtillot, V. and G. Boudon, 2000. Paleomagnetic directions and K/Ar dating of 0-1 Ma lava flows from La Guadeloupe Island (French West Indies): Implications for time averaged field models. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 835-849. |
14 - Pinti, D.L., Wada, N. & Matsuda, J., 1999. Neon excess in pumice: Volcanological implications. J. Volcan. Geother. Res., 88, 279-289. 13 - Carlut, J., Valet, J.P., Quidelleur, X., Courtillot, V., Kidane, T., Gallet, Y. and Gillot, P-Y., 1999. Paleointensity across the Réunion Event in Ethiopia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 170, 17-34. 12 - Tesfaye, K., Carlut, J., Courtillot, V., Gallet, Y., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y. and Tigistu, H., 1999. Paleomagnetic and geochronological identification of the reunion subchron in ethiopian afar, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 10405-10419. 11 - Valet J.P., Brassart, J., Quidelleur X., Soler V., Gillot P.Y. and L. Hongre, 1999. Paleointensity variations across the last geomagnetic reversal at La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain). J. Geophys. Res., 104, 7577-7498. 10 - Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P-Y., Carlut, J. and V. Courtillot, 1999. Link between excursions and paleointensity inferred from abnormal field directions recorded at la Palma around 600 ka. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 168, 233-242. |
9 - Pinti, D.L. & Van Drom, E., 1998. PALEOTEMP: a Mathematica® software for evaluating paleotemperatures from the concentration of atmosphere-derived noble gases in groundwater. Computers & Geosciences, 24, 33-41. 8 - Pinti, D.L. & Marty B., 1998. The origin of helium in deep sedimentary aquifers and the problem of dating very old groundwaters. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 144, 53-68. 7 - Pinti, D.L. & Marty, B., 1998. Separation of noble gas mixtures from petroleum and their isotopic analysis by mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 824, 109-117. 6 - Manighetti I., Tapponnier P., Gillot P-Y., Courtillot V., Jacques E., Armijo R. and Ruegg J-C., 1998. Propagation of rifting along the Arabia-Somalia plate boundary : into Afar. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103:4347-4374. 5 - Hoyos M., Gillot P-Y., Sanz E., Soler V., Sanchez-Moral S. and Canaveras J.C., 1998. El volcanismo de Nuevalos (Zaragoza) : situacion morfoestructural y edad. Estudios Geol. 54 : 103-107. |
4 - Monaco, C., Tapponnier, P., Tortorici, L. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Late Quaternary slip rates on the Acireale-Piedimonte normal faults and tectonic origin of Mount Etna (Sicily). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 147, 1-4, 125-139. 3 - Manighetti, I., Tapponnier, P., Courtillot, V., Gruszow, S. and Gillot, P-Y., 1997. Propagation of rifting along the Arabia-Somalia plate boundary : I - the gulfs of Aden and Tadjoura. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 : 2681-2710. 2 - Quidelleur , X., T. M. Harrison, M. Grove, O. Lovera, A. Yin and F.J. Ryerson, 1997. The Thermal Evolution and slip history of the Renbu Zedong Thrust, southeastern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 2659-2679. 1 - Valet, J.P., J. Brassart, I. Le Meur, V. Soler, X. Quidelleur and P.Y. Gillot, 1996. Absolute Paleointensity and Magnetomineralogical Changes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 25,029-25,044.
Mathilde Frey: Relation entre le volcanisme et la tectonique du volcanisme sous-marin de la ride de Mayotte, depuis septembre 2023. Fransisco Hevia: Climatic and Landscape Evolution of the Azores Over the Past Million Years, depuis octobre 2020. Santiago Santamaria: Reconstruction de l'histoire éruptive des volcans du centre de l’arc équatorien: contraintes pour l’évolution spatio-temporelle du volcanisme andin et pour l'évaluation du risque associé, Université Paris-Saclay, Novembre 2021. Stéphane Dibacto Kamwa, Dynamique de construction et démantèlement des volcans tertiaires et quaternaires des Carpates par des approches géomorphologiques et géochronologiques, Université Paris-Saclay, Juillet 2020. Bablon Mathilde, Reconstruction de l'histoire des volcans du sud de l’arc équatorien: contraintes pour l’évolution chronologique de l’arc andin et pour l'évaluation du risque volcanique, Université Paris-Sud, Novembre 2018. Fanni Cattany, Définition et recherche de minéraux adaptés à la datation in situ de roches sur Mars. Université-Paris-Sud, Janvier 2018. Ana Cristina Goulart da Costa, Episodes de destruction gravitaire durant l’évolution géologique des îles Açores : âge, récurrence, mécanismes et conséquences.Université de Lisbonne et Uinversité Paris-Sud, Février 2014. Aurore Sibrant, Evolution of Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria volcanic islands: Implications for the Nubia/Eurasia plate boundary in the Azores. Université Paris-Sud, Novembre 2014. Julia Ricci, Evolution spatio-temporelle du volcanisme de Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe, Petites-Antilles) revisitée à partir de nouvelles données géochronologiques, géochimiques et géomorphologiques. Université Paris-Sud, Octobre 2014. Damien Devismes, Développement d'un système analytique pour la datation in situ des roches martiennes par la méthode K-Ar. Université Paris-Sud, Novembre 2013. Gaylor Jonathan, 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Late Cretaceous Geologic Time Scale. Université Paris-Sud, Juillet 2013. Leibrandt Sébastien, Reconstitution de l'évolution morpho-structurale et de la dynamique éruptive du massif du Cantal; relation avec la distribution spatio-temporelle du volcanisme du Massif Central (France). Université Paris-Sud 11, Décembre 2011. Boulesteix Thomas, Age, récurrence et mécanismes de déstabilisation des flancs des volcans océaniques d'aprŹs l'exemple de Tenerife (îles Canaries). Université Paris-Sud 11, Septembre 2011. Al Kwatli Amer, Histoire volcanique de la Syrie en relation avec l'évolution de son cadre tectonique ; évolution géochimique des magmas émis au cours du temps. Université Paris-Sud 11, Juin 2011. Erell Léocat, Histoire éruptive des volcans du secteur occidental des îles éoliennes (Sud de la mer Tyrrhenienne, Italie). Université Paris-Sud 11, Novembre 2010. Salvany Tiffany, Evolution morphostructurale de volcans boucliers intraplaques océaniques : Exemple des volcans de l'île de la Réunion. Université Paris-Sud 11, Octobre 2009. Germa Aurélie, Evolution volcano-tectonique de l'île de la Martinique (arc insulaire des Petites Antilles) : nouvelles contraintes géochronologiques et géomorphologiques. Université Paris-Sud 11, Décembre 2008. Rouchon Virgile, Les processus de métasomatisme des formations volcano-sédimentaires paléoarchéennes: implications pour l'évolution chimique de l'océan et le cycle de l'azote. Université Paris Sud, Avril 2008. Samper Agnès, Etude géochronologique, aspects géomorphologiques et géochimiques du volcanisme de l'île de Basse Terre (Guadeloupe), et datation des structures d'effondrement de flanc majeures de l'Arc des Petites Antilles. Université Paris Sud, Sept. 2007. Cadoux Anita, Magmatisme acide Plio-Pleistocène de la marge Tyrrhénienne: géochronologie, pétrogénèse et implications géodynamiques. Université Paris Sud, Oct. 2005. Hildenbrand Anthony, Etude géologique de l'île volcanique de Tahiti-Nui (Polynésie française): évolution morphostructurale, géochimique et hydrologique. Université Paris Sud, Dec. 2002. Coulié Emmanuel, Chronologie 40Ar/39Ar et K/Ar de la dislocation du plateau éthiopien et de la déchirure continentale dans la corne de lAfrique depuis 30 Ma, Université Paris Sud, Nov. 2001. Lahitte Pierre, Le volcanisme Plio-Quaternaire lié aux mécanismes douverture de la dépression Afar, Université Paris Sud, Fev. 2000. Kluska, Jean-Michel, Evolution du Piton des Neiges, Ile de la Réunion, Université Paris Sud, Nov. 1997. |